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Marco and Lorenzo waiting outside.

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It’s iPad day!

… and just like every good Mac geek I’m going to queue before my nearest Apple Store. It’s 5 am but I’m not sleepy. Meanwhile I’m downloading some cool apps from iTunes. Can’t wait to sync’em to the iPad as soon as I get back home. Here we go: 6 am at the Apple Store. […]

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Cocoa Dev Quick NotesNSTableView: Drag & Drop and Edit Menu Validation

All methods are updated to Mac OS 10.6. Drag & Drop Follow this steps to use drag & drop in NSTableView: Create a custom view controller class MyTableViewController based on NSViewController Add a new XIB based on an empty view and assign the newly added class to its File’s Owner Drop in a NSTableView and […]

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40 giorni di WiFiPhoto|40 days on sale

WiFiPhoto has been on sale for 40 days now. Some frustrations, many satisfactions. In the beginning I didn’t know what to expect. Just after its release I discovered I had made a terrible mistake. When you submit an application to Apple you decide the release date. I chose to leave the submission date, 22nd August. […]

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Una veloce introduzione a WiFiPhoto|A quick introduction to WiFiPhoto


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Recensioni fuorvianti|Misleading customer reviews

As a developer I think it’s really weird the fact that I can’t answer to customers’ reviews. Especially if they claim something totally wrong. Two users from USA wrote in their reviews that WiFiPhoto scales down images before download. But it’s simply false. WiFiPhoto keeps photos at their original dimensions. So if you’re downloading a […]

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E’ finalmente disponibile sull’AppStore la mia prima applicazione per iPhone. Nasce da un problema reale con cui mi sono scontrato più volte: il download delle foto su computer che non fossero i miei. A casa uso iPhoto con il mio Mac ma molto spesso mi capita di scattare foto sul lavoro e non ho la […]

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WordPress e Thesis: coppia perfetta|WordPress and Thesis: perfect match

Alla fine sono riuscito a sostituire Joomla con WordPress. A non tornerò indietro. WordPress è semplicemente più facile, più bello e più veloce. Qualunque cosa tu faccia o qualunque sia il tuo obiettivo, è assolutamente La Scelta. Ogni nuova versione porta nuove opzioni, nuovi elementi d’interfaccia che fanno la gioia degli occhi e caratteristiche che […]

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Medialayer rocks !

After searching for a while a host which could keep up with my expectations, I finally got into this article which led me to the (hopefully) right choice. In the meantime I went through several blogs, reviews, advices and so on which were contradictory and misleading. The real problem in picking up the right host […]

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iPhone Dev Tips: Navigation and Tap Bar Controller

1. UINavigationController Handling navigation controllers programmatically is very easy. Starting from scratch and without using IB, you can create a navigation controller in the applicationDidFinishLaunching delegate medhod. Next you need to add it at least one view controller. Adding more controllers results in displaying only the last one which resides at the top of the […]

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