WordPress e Thesis: coppia perfetta|WordPress and Thesis: perfect match

Thursday August 6th, 2009

At last I’ve managed to replace Joomla with WordPress. And I’m not going back. WordPress is simply easier, prettier and faster. Whatever you do, whatever you goal maybe it’s definitely The Choice. Each new release brings new options, more eye-candies and time saving features. Moving from Joomla 1.0 to 1.5 brought nothing really rewarding to mere users. It’s as if programmers wrote just for themselves (APIs change ? Who minds ? Everything looks the same to me). The more wonderful feature of WordPress anyway is automatic update. I had stopped updating Joomla since each time I ran into some problems. Moving to 1.5 simply compelled me to copy and paste my posts since something didn’t go the right way with migrator tool. It’s not supposed to be this way. Even if it’s free open source software, it should be usable even by people who don’t spend their time digging into docs to find the magic formula. WordPress is really another story. Nevertheless it provides all levels of customization necessary to turn your website into a complex CMS.
While searching for a suitable theme, I’ve come across Thesis. It’s not only a theme. It’s a framework. It adds a large number of options and yet it holds the flexibility to make it look the way you like. By means of hooks, you can customize behaviour and layout of your pages. See this post for further explanations. In a short time I was able to achieve this result. I’m very happy with Thesis and I’m working to adapt this website as soon as possible.
P.S. Autosave is really cool !


  1. Comment by DoZ

    DoZ Thursday July 29th, 2010 at 09:23 AM

    …ed io che pensavo di passare da WP A Joomla!!
    Ma allora… chi è che ha ragione?

  2. Comment by admin

    admin Thursday July 29th, 2010 at 10:14 AM

    Dipende da quello che devi fare. Ma vedo che sempre più gente passa da Joomla a WP.
    A distanza di tempo ti confermo che non tornerei indietro. Tanto per dire: ogni volta che facevo l’upgrade ad una nuova versione perdevo un sacco di tempo a risistemare il sito (la migrazione e’ sempre stata problematica per me sotto Joomla).
    In WP non ho mai avuto problemi. Se pero’ vuoi provare qualcosa di diverso: Tumblr.

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